Annual online exhibition HERE

Drawing of a red bird with a blue face on a green background

Maya J., Digital Illustrations

Thanksgiving Greeting card with the words "thank you" handwritten

Caroline Y. 
Design a Thanksgiving Greeting

smiley face animated GIF

Sean R. Digital Animation

Comic Panel featuring a scientist.

Ayden V. Digital Art

animated GIF of a character shaped like a carrot

Fran D. Memes & Gifs

animated gif of a red butterfly with white spots

Ian V. Pixel Art Character

digital artwork of 3 red beta fishes floating in a sunset sky

Lylah B. Graphic Design & Photo Editing

animated gif cycling through pixel sprites of a burger, key, pencil and clipboard

Leo F. Art for Games

digital drawing of 20th century fox logo

Dante B. Digital Art

digital drawing of flowers

Ansony Z. 
Make Art with Artificial Intelligence

screenshot of a student made video game

Cara H. Code Digital Arts

screenshot of title screen of a student video game

Ean R. Storytelling with Games

animated gif of robot character making a gingerbread person

Alex L. Winter Inspired Animations

Ai generated image of Mario in a colorful sketch style

Aaron J.F. Making Art with Artificial Intelligence 

digital illustration in a comic book style of a purple character

Emily G. Digital Comics and Illustrations

animated gif of a humorous character being squished in the palm of another's hands

Justin M. Digital Animations

animated gif of an illustrated stream

Lilian L. Digital Animationsmes & Gifs

illustration of Kirby and Waddledee characters looking at birds in the sky

Maxwell T. Art for Games

Data visualization of Disney characters

Miguel M. Data and Design

animated illustration of leaves falling

Simon L. Animate a Fall Scene

pixel art anthropomorphic fox character

Steven V. Make a Pixel Art Character 

pixel animation of a bouncing red ball against a blue sky

Xio M. Animation

animated illustration of the moon with stars and a rainbow flashing in and out of the scene

John J. Digital Animation

digital photo composition of koi fishes

Xavier A. Graphic Design & Photo Editing

Saumya D.  Summer 2021 CRISP Internship with Brooklyn Haberdashery

Nolan D.  Summer 2021 CRISP Internship with Tech Policy Press

Ellie S. Summer 2021 CRISP Internship with Arts on The Lake 

Leilah W..  Summer 2021 CRISP Internship with Heightsites

Aaron J.F., Summer 2021 CRISP Internship with Deaf Kids Code  

Sam F. Summer 2021 CRISP Internship with Beanz Magazine

To view the TKU Digital Agency portfolio, please visit:

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